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2 korttåede træløbere ringmærket
Vejr: først let skyet, senere solrigt. Nærmest vindstille det meste af dagen samt varmt med op til 26 grader. Sigt ikke alt for god om morgenen pga. varmeflimmer.
Det vindstille og klare vejr gav ikke specielt mange fugle denne morgen som var mere træg end gårsdagens. Ole Friis gik igen på stranden under morgenobsen; her fik han aflæst lidt flere måger, og han opdagede at den hvidbrystede præstekrave fra den anden dag stadigvæk er i området.
Som nævnt skete der ikke meget trækmæssigt. Der kom en del dobbeltbekkasiner (71) samt flere rødben (27) som nok var det mest bemærkelsesværdige. Nogle enkelte rørhøge og spurvehøge trak ud.
Da Ole jo havde genfundet den hvidbrystede præstekrave, gik nogle af os på stranden for at finde den; den blev ikke aldersbestemt første gang, og billederne var heller ikke for gode. Der var en flok præstekraver langt mod nord, men så langt orkede vi ikke at gå da det allerede var ved at blive temmelig varmt.
Ellers er der blevet bagt i dag, Ole bagte et brød, Merit nogle cookies. Andreas var oppe på Fyrbakken for at se om der trak nogle rovfugle. Det blev "kun" til en duehøg.
Dagens tal:
Art | Antal |
ederfugl | 2 |
toppet skallesluger | 2 |
gravand | 9 |
krikand | 3 |
mursejler | 3 |
fiskehejre | 2 |
skarv | 49 |
strandskade | 123 |
hjejle | 1 |
stor præstekrave | 20 |
storspove | 9 |
lille kobbersneppe | 3 |
stenvender | 13 |
islandsk ryle | 8 |
sandløber | 14 |
alm. ryle | 28 |
dobbeltbekkasin | 71 |
mudderklire | 3 |
hvidklire | 2 |
rødben | 27 |
vader sp. | 1 |
rørhøg | 4 |
spurvehøg | 2 |
skovpiber | 1 |
gul vipstjert | 1 |
Folk: Ole, David, Andreas, Luke, Merit, Michael
It was a still morning today, with a little wind from the east which I hoped might bring some migrants across. I had a good first net round with 11 birds, the bulk from the lighthouse garden where I could see a few flocks of Redpoll and Yellowhammer flitting about on the net round. This included a couple of migrants: a garden warbler with a moderate amount of fat, and a willow warbler. After that it slowed down with the heat, with rounds of one or two birds.
My highlight today was a Short-toed Treecreeper, another species we don’t get in the UK, only the Eurasian Treecreeper. They look very similar, so you have to look at small differences, such as the Short-toed having a longer beak and a shorter toe. I enjoy getting birds which have small differences such as this, they are like a puzzle you have to solve.
Short-toed Treecreeper. Photo: Luke Nelson
Another nice bird I caught today was a young male Chaffinch which was going through post juvenile moult, like the Robin I mentioned yesterday. Juvenile (and female) Chaffinch’s are mainly buffish-grey, and you can see in this male the pink of the breast and a it of rusty red on the head being moulted in. There’s only a short window of the year you can see this and it’s nice to see moult in action.
Young male chaffinch moulting through adult plumage. Photo: Luke Nelson
At 10am Jonas took over the ringing for a tour for 2 hours. The last net check before is when we caught the Treecreeper, to which Jonas said it should have waited another net round for the tour group to see. Luckily for them Jonas caught a second Treecreeper, which also meant Michael, Andreas and Merit got to see one, as they weren’t around when we caught the first. Jonas also caught a Tree Pipit, a migrant I was thinking we should be catching these days.
Michael and I closed the nets at 12 after the tour as it was hot, during which we caught a Blue Tit. This was the first Blue Tit Merit had seen whilst she’s been here, and she enjoyed seeing it up close.
This afternoon there has been lots of baking with Ole making a fresh loaf of bread and Merit a batch of cookies, which were both lovely. I’ve really been enjoying communal life at the station sharing stories, eating and playing cards together.
Species | Ringed | Recapture |
Robin (Rødhals) | 1 | 0 |
Common Redstart (Rødstjert) | 1 | 0 |
Blackbird (Solsort) | 0 | 1 |
Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) | 0 | 1 |
Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger) | 1 | 0 |
Garden Warbler (Havesanger) | 1 | 0 |
Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) | 1 | 0 |
Blue Tit (Blåmejse) | 1 | 0 |
Great Tit (Musvit) | 4 | 0 |
Tree Pipit (Skovpiber) | 1 | 0 |
Short-toed Treecreeper (Korttået Traeløber) | 2 | 0 |
Chaffinch (Bogfinke) | 0 | 1 |
Lesser Redpoll (Lille Gråsisken) | 4 | 0 |
Bullfinch (Dompap) | 1 | 0 |
Yellowhammer (Gulspurv) | 2 | 0 |
Total | 20 | 3 |