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Seawatch and moths

lørdag 19. juni 2021
af Samuel Perfect

It was the second busiest evening of the year in the moth trap with a total of 141 moths of 50 species. The highlights inculded Netted Pug (Sortåret Dværgmåler, Eupithecia venosata), 3 Silver Barred (Tvebånd-Dagugle, Deltote bankiana), and Small Grass Emerald (Grøn Lyngmåler, Chlorissa viridata).


Small Grass Emerald (Grøn Lyngmåler, Chlorissa viridata)

Once I had finished checking the moth trap I headed down to the coast to join David who was conducting the morning's seawatch observations. Due to the offshore wind, the migrating seabirds were traking the coast close to the shore, much to our advantage, which enabled us to reach some respectable totals. The highlights included 2 southbound Caspian Terns (Rovterne, Hydroprogne caspia), both carrying red colour rings prooving their Swedish origin, 925 Cormorants (Skarv, Phalacrocorax carbo), almost all in one flock also heading in a southbound direction, and 56 Red-breasted Mergansers (Toppet Skallesluger, Mergus serrator).

See the link below for a full acount of the morning's observations.



Caspian Terns (Rovterne, Hydroprogne caspia)

People: Bent, David, and Samuel.