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Seawatch and Nightjars

torsdag 8. juli 2021
af Samuel Perfect

No moth trapping took place for the first time in several weeks. This allowed me to "lie-in" until 4am so that I could go directly to do the observations instead.

Highlights included 44 Red-throated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom, Gavia stellata), 4 Wigeon (Pibeand, Mareca penelope) the first for several weeks, and a selection of common wader species.

See the link below for a full account of this morning's seawatch totals.


In the evening we headed to Oksby Klitplantage for Nightjars (Natravn, Caprimulgus europaeus). We were not disappointed as we all received good views as well as heard (and recorded) their incredible churring song. Have a listen to the two recordings uploaded to xeno-canto.




Oksby Klitplantage