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Sandwich Terns on the move!

mandag 19. juli 2021
af Samuel Perfect

No moth trap was set last night as the wind was too strong so instead some extra time was spent on the beach after the observations were complete to read some colour rings on the gulls and photograph the terns flying north.

The morning seawatch once again continued in a similar vein to the previous two days with several thousand Black-headed Gulls (Hættemåge, Chroicocephalus ridibundus) migrating north along with the highest Sandwich Tern (Splitterne, Thalasseus sandvicensis) count of the autumn thus far (991). Further notewrothy sightings included two Arctic Skuas (Almindelig Kjove, Stercorarius parasiticus), sadly one was trailing a meter long piece of marine plastic litter behind it as it was caught around its leg. The same lingering adult Great Skua (Storkjove, Stercorarius skua) from yesterday was also still present.

See the link below for a full list of this morning's sightings:






Sandwich Tern (Splitterne, Thalasseus sandvicensis)


Common Tern (Fjordterne, Sterna hirundo)


An unusually white Black-headed Gull (Hættemåge, Chroicocephalus ridibundus)

Personnel: Bent, Ole Fries Larsen and Samuel