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A successful day for all of us

tirsdag 14. september 2021
71 ringed birds and a merlin and a grey wagtail at the observation
af Hanelie Sidhu

Good evenig everyone!

Bevor I start today, as promised, the rusults ofthe night catching last night. Unfortunately, I have to admit that we did not catch anything although we came quite close to two birds. Nevertheless, we had fun walking by the sea in the evening with the net and torch, Perhaps, we would have been more successful with a stronger torch, but tonight we stayed at home. 

Today, the day started very promisingly. We have not hat so many birds in the nets the whole of September: 71 in total. Among them was a common blackbird, which you can see in the following picture in Jonas` hand.

IMG_20210914_114929756_HDR.jpgCommon Blackbird

Skaermbillede_2021-09-14_204808.jpgTodays ringed birds

Sebastian had to go observing whithout company again today, but he enjoyed it, too. Especially seeing a Merlin and a Grey Wagtail. 

Dagens observationer

After a break, we went for a walk together in the afternoon. We did not see anything out of the ordinary but we still enjoyed among others some Stonechats, Whinchats, Willow Warblers and seabirds later on the beach.

Now another good day in Blåvand has come to an end, good night everyone, see you tomorrow!

Folk på stationen: Bent Jakobsen, Sebastian Thorup Hansen, Jonas Pedersen og Hanelie Sidhu