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A successful Euro BirdWatch Day

lørdag 2. oktober 2021
After a few days whith closed nets, today a good ringing day.
af Hanelie Sidhu

Good evening everyone!

The wheather played along with the Euro BirdWatch Day. Today it was no longer windy. So we could open the nets for ringing again. Today we split up as we were six ringers: Jonas, Susanne, Isabel and Lise ringed at the station. Xenia also came again to support us. Xenia and I ringed at the lighthouse garden. And it was quite a good day. Especially in the first two rounds we had many birds. But even after that it was still enough to show birds to the Euro BirdWatch Day visitors. So it was a sucessful day.


The visitors of the Euro BirdWatch Days watch a Song Thrush being released from the net.


Two Goldcrests


Todays ringed birds

Goldcrest 6

Firecrest 1

Pied Flycatcher 1

Robin 6 (two of them recaptures)

Reed Warbler 1

Wren 2

Dunnock 1

Siskin 5

Garden Warbler 4 (two of them recaptures)

Blackcap 19

Yellowhammer 1

Common Chaffinch 1

Song Thrush 6

Blackbird 2

Great Tit 2

Total 58

At observing, Sebastian counted 35 Black-tailed Godwits today. Furthermore, two Red-necked Grebe were among the highlights.

Dagens observationer

After we finished ringing, Susanne and I climbed the lighthouse and had a wonderful view of the dunes and the sea. We returned to the bird Station for a snack. After we were strengthened, we all set of together, Jonas, Sebastian, Susanne, Lise, Isabel and I, to Skallingen for birdwatching. We had a long walk. The highlights were Jack Snipes and Common Snipes. 

In the evening, Jonas cooked for us. We had lasagne. Very tasty!

Tomorrow it is supposed to be windy again. We are curious!

See you!

Folk på stationen: Lise Hykkelbjerg, Isabel Hunter, Jonas Pedersen, Sebastian Thorup Hansen, Bent Jakobsen, Susanne Vogel, Xenia Maria Salomonsen og Hanelie Sidhu