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One of the last ringing days

lørdag 2. april 2022
Until the winds will slow down again
af Menno den Uijl

Today was another day with a quite cold start of the day. Because of that, Morten and I split up again to make sure the nets could be checked every 15 minutes. At eight, Bello visited me at the ringing lab because he was too cold to continue the seawatch in the dunes. Although it was a bit quiet out at sea, we had a good time. At a moment Bello saw a bird in the Helgoland trap. So we both went for it. Unfortunately, the bird managed to find a hole and escaped. But now the hole in the trap is fixed, so third time must be a charm (and we can ring a bird that we catch in it).

Bello continuing the seawatch from the ringing lab – Photo by Menno
After we closed the lighthouse garden, we caught a coal tit in the Stationshaven. Coal tits are really wonderful birds, so this one was good looking as well. It was a male, because of the pattern on its lesser coverts. It was a recapture, it was caught the first time here at 28th of September 2021. Since then it got caught 11 more times, because of its catch quite often here I suspect that it is a local breeder.


Coal tit male – Photo by Morten
The coming days will be quite windy, so it might be possible that can not ring at those days. But we can join Mikkel at the seawatch. An albatross has been seen in England, so maybe it will pay us a visit as well, like one did in 2015.

The rest of the day, we spent shopping and checking some places around Esbjerg. Unfortunately, we did not find any rare bird.

Ringing list (new/recapture):
Robin (1/0)
Lesser Redpoll (4/0)
Blackbird (1/0)
Coal tit (0/1)
Chiffchaff (2/0)
8 new birds over 4 species.

DOF link: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=02-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

Folk på stationen: Bello, Morten and Menno