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The last stong NW-day

søndag 10. april 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was the last day with strong NWestern winds for the coming days. So tomorrow we can recontinue with the ringing again. Over Europe there will be some southern winds, so hopefully the delayed migrants will start to arrive the coming days.

The sea watch was not very productive, we did not see that many birds migrating. There were loads of divers on the sea, so maybe they decide to leave the area when the southerlies are here.

Today Bello joined the seawatch somewhat later than at the start. Yesterday his neck has been in very unnatural positions (see photo), because of the out of the car scoping, so he had to unsour has neck before he joined the seawatch.


Photo of the unnatural position of Bello’s neck – Photo by Menno

People at the station: Henrik, David, Bello and Menno

DOF-link: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=10-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

Trektellen link: https://www.trektellen.nl/count/view/2525/20220410