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Another day without ringing

mandag 11. april 2022
Unfortunately :(
af Menno den Uijl

Although the wind would allow the ringing, Bent was sick. So today and tomorrow ringing will not be done. Hopefully Bent will be better by Wednesday, so we can recontinue with the ringing again.

Today’s seawatch did not produce that much. The highlight was that two germans were trying to make some nice pictures of a chair the made. The struggle with the very heavy chair was very funny to watch.

After the seawatch, we made another local round, but that did not bring any new birds as well.

Tonight we will be joined by two new volunteers. Always nice to meet some new people with the same hobby.

People at the station: Oliver, Jens, Bello and Menno

DOF link: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=11-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

Trektellen link: https://www.trektellen.nl/count/view/2525/20220411