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A day short of birds

torsdag 2. juni 2022
af Morten Jenrich Hansen

Rain showers in the early morning and too much wind from northwest gave us a day without the standard catching of birds.
I did try to open some of the nets when the rain had stopped around 7, but only half of the nets were enough sheltered from the wind to be open.
After 3 hours I closed them again – not a single bird had been in a net at that time.

At the beach Menno, Bello and I did some observations in the late morning after the rain.
It was very slow with movements of birds over the sea.
Only a few Gannets and Red-throated Divers amongst the Common Scooters, gulls and terns.
Best bird of the session was a roosting Great Skua some way out on the sea.

Then Bent arrived and was so kind to lend his car to Bello and I.
We had to post the WestNileVirus blod samples from Oksbøl before midday, to make sure they arrive at Statens Serum Institut within 24 hours.
When we were in Oksbøl, we made a big shopping of supplies.
Now we have food for the next 5 days to end of “pinse”, and can use our time in the field without thinking of shopping.

Meanwhile Bent made a walk in the surroundings – checking the Little Terns – but didn´t get any other really notable birds on that tour.
I could later confirm that in a walk before dinner.
My best birds around Mosen were a couple of Grey Partridge and a singing Marsh Warbler.
End of a slow day – we will be back tomorrow in better weather conditions!

People at the station: Bent, Bello, Menno and Morten