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The heat brought us some excitements.

søndag 5. juni 2022
af Mikkel Bello

While the ringers opened the nets Henrik K, my friend Louise and I kept the beds warm. around 5 I woke up trying to do some seawatch. After a short while I heard some small calling sounds and cheked it out, and found the first rosefinch for the season, but it wasn´t the rosefinch that made the call it was a juvenile redpoll sitting next to it, just as i wanted to call it out on zello Henrik made a message that he found a Red-breasted Flycather in the area opposite of the station. When I came down morten was already there and i saw the tail of it but it was in the area for some time. Menno chaught a beauty of a Crossbill around 5 also!  


Male Crossbill   Photo Morten Jenrich

I continued at the sea, joined by Bjørn, And a Local couple from Varde. We found a 3k Caspian Gull and an Egyptian goose. 

After some breakfast i took a nap and in the meen time Henrik had seen a possible palid swift but despite the amount of details he saw he only had it shortly and didnt get proper documentation sadly. 

Louise tried to hold and release a Common Whitethroat and a Crested Tit that Morten already ringed. Afterwards we went to the city to get some icecream and shop a bit, we wanted to make a bbq as the weather was finally rather comfortable. 
When we came back we had some lunch and then went to the beach. 

In the evening we had the Bbq and a rather big amount of Swifts was flying around the lighthouse. 
After the dinner Louise drow home to Aarhus again. 

Ringing totals:

House Martin 1/0

Redstjart 2/0

Blackbird 1/0

Song Thrush 1/0

Lesser Whitethroat 2/1

Common Whitethroat 5/2

Chiffchaff 1/0

Spotted Flycatcher 1/0

Crested Tit 5/1

Chaffinch 1/0

Greenfinch 1/2

Linnet 1/0

Redpoll 3/0

Common Crossbill 1/0

Total 26/5

People at the station: Bello, Henrik Kristensen, Anders, Svend Aage, Menno, Morten, Louise, Bjørn.

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