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Late arrival, and tern ringing

fredag 10. juni 2022
Dværgterne succes
af mikkel bello og Bent Jakobsen

I was in Aarhus today so Henrik was alone this morning at the observation.
He found a Cornbunting and a 2k Mediterranean Gull. I have been looking for the Med gull the whole season so im a little sad i was home when it finally turned up. 
Menno caught a White Wagtail and in the evening he joined Ulf on the beach ringing Little Terns.
David joined us in the evening and wil stay this weekend so tomorrow we have a full team for the sea watch.
Ulf Bertelsen som står for Dværgterne undersøgelserne ankom omkring middag, og kørte på stranden for at tjekke Dværgternerne. Han kunne berette om 3 par med unger, 5 liggende på rede og et par kurtiserende. Så det er indtil videre en succes med vores udhegning.
1st picture, White Wagtail, 2nd and 3rd, Little Terns: all photos by Menno

People at the station: Menno, Henrik, Mikkel, David og Bent