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The milestone reached

mandag 13. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today it was windier then yesterday, so even less nets could be opened unfortunately. Luckily I managed to catch 11 birds with 9 new birds. So the big milestone of 1800 birds ringed is reached. Tomorrow, on the last official day of this season I will try my best to get as much birds to get an even better season total. This total could never be reached by the ringers who joined us this season, so thanks that you have joined the ringing campaign here at Blåvand.

In the afternoon, the winds increased to much so I had to close the nets. In the afternoon the board had a meeting.

Ringing totals:

Dunnock 1/0

Common Whitethroat 1/0

Chiffchaff 4/0

Crested tit 3/1

Great tit 0/1