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A very nice day!

onsdag 15. juni 2022
With a second for the station
af Menno den Uijl

Today it was possible to open all the nets again for the whole day. After two days with only limited opened nets, it was really nice to open everything again. It started really nice with a juvenile robin. After many adult/2k birds, this was only the first time we caught a juvenile. Because robins are quite agrassive, the juveniles must have no red breast because the males would attack them otherwise. Besides the juvenile robin, two juvenile common whitethroats flew in the nets. The crested tit had a good breeding season in the nearby woods, because we catch plenty of them. Despite their cuteness, they can be quite annoying jhnwith their picking and talent of grabbing a lot of net firmly. Speaking about tits, I caught the second marsh tit in the history of the station. Next to that, we caught a tree pipit. This was the first for the season, normally they are caught earlier.

With 38 birds in total, it was quite nice to be busy during the morning.

Ringing totals:

House martin 1/0

Tree pipit 1/0

Dunnock 1/0

Robin 1/0

Song thrush 0/2

Icterine warbler 0/1

Lesser whitethroat 2/1

Common whitethroat 3/3

Willow warbler 1/0

Firecrest 1/0

Marsh tit 1/0

Crested tit 4/2

Great tit 0/4

Coal tit 1/0

Tree sparrow 2/0

Chaffinch 2/0

Goldfinch 1/0

Siskin 2/0

Linnet 0/1




 Marsh tit



 House martin





 Tree pipit