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Sun + Birds + Nice People = Lovely Day

søndag 14. maj 2023
af Amelie Sophie Zeller

Contrary to what the weather forecast had predicted, we spent a beautiful sunny day today, which already started with a pretty sunrise.


Since there was still a lot of fog gathering over the sea in the morning, David and Henrik first took a walk through the Mosen before watching the migration at the sea. There weren't many birds to watch today, but highlights of the observations were an Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove) and a Woodlark (Hedelærke) flying overhead. Rose and I also stopped by to the morning observations briefly.
Morten and I opened the nets before sunrise. Not many birds gathered here today either. It is about half the number of yesterday. A great find of the day was a calling Serin (Gulirisk). This bird is regularly seen here in Blåvand in spring, but there are usually only a few records per season. We also ringed two nice species today: a Sedge Warbler (Sivsanger) and a Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper). This was especially exciting for me as I had not seen these two species in hand before.




Grå Fluesnapper: You can see that this species has a lot of hairs around its beak which help it to spot insects better.

In the afternoon we watched the birds a bit from the garden. David and Rose also went for a short walk and collected plants, which they identified together. After Morten had closed the nets at the Fyrhaven and only the ones at the Stationshaven were open, not many more birds came.

Today's ringing data:


In the evening Rose, Morten and I finished the day with a wonderful, delicious dinner in the garden.


We are looking forward to the day tomorrow and I hope that the Wrynecks (Vendehals) that we hear calling all day long will be found in our net :)

Fiolk på stationen: Morten, Rose, Henrik, David og Amelie