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A good migration day

søndag 22. oktober 2023
af Antonia Greil

The day started, as usual, with the daily morning observation, today from the Headbunker. The wind was 9m/s from Sø. A lot of Geese were seen, which included 11 Brent Geese (Knortegås), 118 White-fronted Geese (Blisgås) and 78 Greylag Geese (Grågås). Also, a lot of Eider ducks (Ederfugl), with a total of 237, 250 Sortand (Common Scoters) as well as 1 Little Auk (Søkonge) and 1 Caspian Gull (Kaspisk Måge). For Passerines migration it was also an exciting day, as there was so much going on: flocks of Chaffinches (Bogfinke) and Bramblings (Kvækerfinke) with over 1200 individuals, some Meadow Pipits (Engpiber), over 3800 Starlings (Stær), some Common Crossbills (Lille Korsnæb), Siskins (Grønsisken), Reedbuntings (Rørspurv) and Goldfinches (Stillits). All observations can be seen here.

Meanwhile, Anton and I were opening nets both in the Stations and Lighthouse Garden. The first round was quite good, but then rain was coming and we caught less and less birds with each netcheck. Felix joined at some point and could see the birds for the first time this close. As the rain was going to increase, we closed the nets at 12. I was still happy to have some birds, for example Bullfinches (Dompap), a recaptured Brambling (Kvækerfinke), Songthrush (Sangdrossel) and of course some Goldcrests (Fuglekonge). In the breaks between the netrounds we also had some time to watch the migrating passerines, which was really nice.



(Photos: Felix)

Today was a big change with the people staying at the station. Andreas, Thor and Oliver left, and in exchange Leona, Frida and Rosa arrived. Kristoffer made a tasty dinner with chickencurry and rice and now we are looking forward to the next week!

People at the Station: Louis Poulsen, Anton Liebermann, Joseph Stephan, Antonia Greil, Thor Vincent, Oliver Laursen, Andreas Pedersen, Kristoffer Hansen, Felix Kreuzmann, Leona, Frida, Rosa.