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torsdag 9. november 2023
af Joseph Stephan

The day started with Anton and Antonia opening the mist nets, while Louis, Henrik B., and Alexandra headed out to do the daily morning observation. The weather was cloudy with intermittent rain showers and almost no wind. Therefore, the migration was quite slow today. They saw a total of 351 Meadow Pipits (Engpiper), one Horned Grebe (Nordisk Lappedykker), one Purple Sandpiper, and one Arctic Tern (Havterne). You can see a comprehensive list of all observations here.

 The ringing was good today with a total of 83 birds in the net, including 40 Common Redpolls (Nordlig Grasisken), 6 Lesser Redpolls (Lille Grasisken), and two Red Wings (Vindrossel).


Female Lesser Redpoll (left) and Female Common Redpoll (right)

To cap off this wonderful day at the Fuglestation, Louis prepared a delicious pasta with spinach and mushrooms. Furthermore, the Legend baked two delicious loaves of bread, following one of the ancient and secret family recipes from Bornholm. We enjoyed the food, had some hearty laughs, and figured out the difference between pasta and noodles once and for all. We went to bed happy and grateful, looking forward to tomorrow, where we are going to face another beautiful day at Blaavandshuk! 


legendary bread loaves

People at the Station: Louis Poulsen, Anton Liebermann, Joseph Stephan, Antonia Greil, Alexandra