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A Day of Unchanging Winds and only a few Birds

tirsdag 14. maj 2024
af Maxim Lisi

There was no change in the weather since yesterday and so no change in bird activity either. Because of the strong winds not al nets were open in the gardens. With Morten helming the station garden, Michael and I walked the rounds in the lighthouse garden. It took more than three hours before the first bird ended up in the nets at the light house. I don’t think I have seen Michael this happy to have a bird in his hands, it were some long and uneventful three hours. The total of today was 6 ringed and 2 controls.


Happy Michael after three hours of empty nets

When Henrik returned from the morning observations, he was a bit more optimistic about the day compared to us ringers. The most notable observations were 6 black terns and a good number of waders. While observing, Henrik heard a Tawny pipet fly over and after studying the audio recording he made he confirmed the assessment.

Later in the morning while enjoying the sun in front of the station some of the common raptors were spotted yet again (Marsh harrier, Kestrel and Buzard). But the biggest surprise was when Michael spotted a Bee-eater flying over the station at high speed. Just when Henrik sat down behind his laptop and Morten went inside to get a cup of coffee. When everyone came running outside the bird was already long gone unfortunately. Last night Michael also spotted a female Nightjar when he was trying to catch Red-backed strikes.

Later in the day Morten received a phone call from Bent saying that he saw a Red-footed Falcon flying over in Skødstrup. Afterwards Morten took some time the sit down in the dunes in the hopes of spotting the bird here in Blåvand. To no avail unfortunately.

The rest of the week the weather does not seem to change much and so there are no expectations of seeing or catching a lot of birds, but there is hope in seeing something special. It appears we are falling back on the phrase we clung to in April: Quality over quantity.