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The rarity we have been waiting for

tirsdag 21. maj 2024
af Michael

21 may will go in the history books. Not because of the migration, that was pretty slow again. And also not because of the amount we ringed, but the species we've ringed. The ringing was very slow, but around 6:30, Morten called out to come to the station haven because he had caught a great bird! We all started walking towarda the cabin at the station, and it appeared to be a river warbler!


It was for Morten also a new species to ring, so he was smiling from ear to ear, lovely to see everyone so happy with such a beautiful bird.

The rest of the day was slow again, only 2 spoonbills far away made the observations a little bit better. One of the skylarks I've ringed in the nest was unfortunately found dead this afternoon, the death cause was probably bitten by an adder, I've seen that a few times before.

I went to the beach and spotted a new family of ringed plovers, and unringed ringed plovers are not acceptable, so now there are 3 more young ringed ringed plovers;).


After ringing the plovers I saw a Kentish plover in between the sanderlings and ringed plovers, that was a nice suprise as well! A nice end of a great day!