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Just the 2 of us

lørdag 1. juni 2024
af Michael

The morning began slow. It was better than a few days back, when we had just a few birds,but it was still really slow. for the first few hours Lucas and Mallory where still here to support us, but after a few hours, they left the Blåvand fuglestation. Hopefully they had a good time here, but it is time for their next adventure;)


The most mentionable we caught was a newborn great tit. They are incredibly cute and another advantage of the young ones, they don't bite that hard. The ringed parents know the nets very well, they are both ringed of course, and managed to avoid the nets while alarming. 


While ringing Morten heard a bee-eeter fly by, but before we could see it, it was already gone. In the meanwhile, I also noticed a chiffchaff (ringed of course) carrying food, and that could mean only 1 thing, it has a nest with youngs nearby. after roughly half an hour, I managed to find the well hidden nest with youngs.

At the end of the afternoon, Morten also left, so the station is now in hands of the dutchies...