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Eurasian Jays and gardening

fredag 30. august 2024
af Hannah

Hi everybody!

My name is Hannah, I started out today as the new ringer. I used to ring at the bird observatory on Heligoland, where I did a voluntary year in 2022/23. I will be staying at the station until Oktober 3rd. It was a really exciting and eventful first day! Since I have not ringed in Denmark before Henrik was joining me today to observe me while I ringed the birds and to see if my license can soon be upgraded, so that I may ring on my own. Taima helped with the ringing as well. Our day started at 5:30 when we began opening the mist nets. The weather conditions were not optimal, but we still caught a few long-distance migrants. We ringed 18 birds in total. My personal highlights were the two Eurasian Jays and a tree sparrow, which I hadn’t ringed before. We also caught 2 Bullfinches, 4 Pied flycatchers, 6 Garden Warblers, 2 Blackcaps, 2 Great Tits, 2 Song Thrushes, 1 Dunnock, and a Chiffchaff.

Hannah and Taima with Eurasian Jay

Hannah and Taima with Eurasian Jay

After a short lunch break and a shopping trip, we, that is Henrik, Taima, Brian and me, worked hard together to clear the gardens and the spaces around the mist nets, to get them ready for the autumn season.


I concluded the day with a nice evening at the beach where I had a lot of fun watching the waders and gulls in the evening sun.

I am already excited for the next days to come!