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The first standardized ringing day in 2025

lørdag 1. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

This morning, the nets in both gardens were open half an hour before sunrise. The first round brought two new Blackbirds “Solsort” and a recapture of a Great Tit “Musvit”. It was again a very foggy morning. And nearly all the rest of the time of standardized ringing, I had zero rounds until  I found a Wren “Gærdesmutte”, already with a ring, in a net in the lighthouse garden in the secound last round. But it can just improve.


Great Tit "Musvit" on a foggy morning.

Ringing 01


The moths:

Yesterday evening I could not believe DMI which showed the foggy morning that we had today. Because when I checked the moth trap in the evening, the night was star clear. I had two moths in the evening, again the Satellite “Satellitugle” and – a small and inconspicuous one, that was new for me: But to be safe, I will put it as slash secies, Agnopterix heracliana/ciliella, probably heracliana, but these are very similar species.


Agnopterix heracliana/ ciliella.



In the afternoon I went to a lake in the military area and saw two Shovelers "Skeand" with some other ducks.


Not dar from the lake, I saw that very white Buzzard "Musvage", a very beatiful one.

People: David, Hanelie, Jimmy and 2 guests