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Morning greetings from a Songthrush

torsdag 6. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

The morning started again with opening the nets, Joseph and I did one garden each. When I came down from the lighthouse garden, a Song Thrush “Sangdrossel” was singing near the stations garden. I stood still for a while and listened. Another sign, that spring is really starting! When I went for the first round, it had stopped and I hoped to find it in the net, but not yet. It turned out to be a really beautiful, sunny and bright day, I had the biggest number of birds so far that season, 12 new and 5 recaps. Most birds were caught in the stations garden. The only bird in the lighthouse garden was a Treecreeper, but this time a Eurasian “Træløber”. Note the short bill in comparison to the Short-toed Treecreeper “Korttået Træløber” the long hind claw and the supercilium which reaches both the forehead and the nape. It was nice to have both Treecreeper species in such a short interval, to compare, as I still had the Short-toed well in mind.


Traelober familiaris

Eurasian Treecreeper "Træløber"



Tree Dunnocks "Jernspurv" in the nets today.

Ringing 06 02png


During the morning, Joseph left to Copenhagen for a long weekend. He will be back on Sunday.

Also this morning, a professional cleaning team came to the station and cleaned the floors on the ground floor and the bathrooms.

It was a really nice spring day and many Ostercatchers “Strandskade”, Sanderlings “Sandløber” Turnstones “Stenvender” and Purple Sandpipers “Sortgrå Ryle” were gartering on the sand bank at the beach.

The weather looks promising for the next days, I am looking forward to some nice mornings with ringing and also hope to finally have something in the moths traps again.

At the station: Joseph Stephan, Hanelie Sidhu