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New arrivals in the nets

fredag 7. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

This morning, there were even more Songthrushes “Sangdrossel” singing. I heard at least two both around the station and lighthouse garden. And first round, I found one in a net in the lighthouse garden. Another short-distance migrant arrived in the net, a Chiffchaff “Gransanger”. There are also a few that stay over winter but most still migrate to warmer parts of Europe, so I see it as another sign that migration starts.


Chiffchaff "Gransanger"

And some other nice species were in the nets today: The first Robin “Rødhals” of the season, a common but always nice bird as well as a Crested Tit “Topmejse”. First, it was just calling in the lighthouse garden, next round it was in one of the nets at Krattet.


The Crested Tit "Topmejse" refused to show its pretty crest on the picture.

The wind was very low today, but after nine o´clock, it slowed down a lot with passerine activity. The sun came out and it was a beautiful morning, but at 9.30 the last bird was in the net.

Ringing 07 03png

When I closed the nets, two of the pegs in the ground, to which the net poles are attached with rope and which make them stand, went out of the ground. So I was still a bit busy with hammering them in and making the nets stand again. But now, it is all ready to be up tomorrow morning again!

At the station: David Manstrup, Hanelie Sidhu