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Where are the birds?

onsdag 21. marts 2018
af Good weather conditions could bring them soon!

Weather: temperature 0° to 3°; moderate breeze from West (220°) 6 m/s. Overcast.

We are back in business today. Only a few birds around.

Bird ringing:
dunnock (Prunella modularis - Jernspurv- Heckenbraunelle) 1,
common blackbirds (Turdus merula - Solsorten – Amseln) 7,
song thrushes (Turdus philomelos – Sangdrosslen - Singdrosseln) 2,
Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus - Skovspurv - Feldsperling) 1,
common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs – Bogfinken – Buchfink) 1,
lesser redpoll ((Acanthis cabaret) -Lille Gråsisken (Acanthis flammea cabaret - Alpenbirkenzeisig)) 1.

A total of 13 birds identified into 6 species.

Lots of visitors today.

David Manstrup came for his normal bird monitoring during the week.

Jonas from NKV had a group of forest warden trainees. The group get around the catching sites. They had the luck to get very close as Henrik was ringing a dunnock and a lesser redpoll.

Lovely in the afternoon Ole Hansen from the committee (Styregruppen) came along for a cup of coffee.