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Sunny day

fredag 20. april 2018
Very nice spring day!

Weather: Temperature 11°; moderate breeze from Southeast (133°) 6 m/s. Visibility 10 km. Clouded 2/8.

Bird ringing:

1 Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes – Gærdesmutte - Zaunkönig),
1 dunnock (Prunella modularis – Jernspurv - Heckenbraunelle),
1 common blackbirds (Turdus merula - Sunsort - Amseln),
6 lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca – Gærdesanger - Klappergrasmücke)
12 common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita – Gransanger - Zilpzalp),
3 willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus - Løvsanger - Fitis),
1 common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs - Bogfinken - Buchfink),
16 lesser redpoll ((Acanthis cabaret) -Lille Gråsisken (Acanthis flammea cabaret - Alpenbirkenzeisig))

A total of 41 birds identified into 8 species. None of them was caught with the Helgoland trap (Blåvandrusen).

Over all there is a huge different with the catching numbers on both gardens. Maybe it will change. Today more birds (25) were caught at the Fyrhaven.

First of the season common house martin (Delichon urbicum- Bysvalen - Mehlschwalbe) was seen today. A female western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus – Rørhøg - Rohrweihe) was seen too.

We always look up to the sky. But it is worse to look down on the ground for a very close look. Otherwise you could miss out on something.

180420 H Schinke 180417 P1190830 3c Tiny flowers 1

Tiny flowers 1, picture: H. Schinke

180420 H Schinke P1200243 2c Tiny flowers 2

Tiny flowers 2, picture: H. Schinke