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Wind from Southwest

mandag 3. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu


Grey sky over Blåvand


This morning unfortunately, the weather was not better than expected. It was blowing too much to do standardized ringing in the morning. Some nets were open for short, and one Blackbird “Solsort” was caught.

Ringing totals:

Solsort: 1/0

A rather cold and quiet day today, we are hoping for better weather to come during the week.

People: Joseph Stephan, Hanelie Sidhu

Good start with Short-toed Treecreeper and Glaucous Gull

søndag 2. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

Today was already a big improvement to yesterday. When I checked DMI in the morning, I saw, that we would have fog again in Blåvand from opening time the whole morning. When I looked out of the window, there was no fog at all. But I was prepared for it, it can get foggy very fast close to the sea. So it just improved my mood a lot, when the fog did not turn up, instead, a bright sun came up at sunrise. First round already brought more new birds than the whole day before, so I was happy. But the best of the morning was still about to come: It appeared in form of a Short-toed Treecreeper “Korttået Træløber”. If there is a Treecreeper with a kind of long Curlew bill in the net, you must be suspicious. Also the step in the wing bar was missing and the tips of the primaries where bright white while they are a little more off-white in the Eurasian Treecreeper. This is a nice species in hand, sometimes, they can soon get a bit tired but this one was very lively.

Pics_Short_toed.pngSome pictures of the Short-toed Treecreeper “Korttået Træløber”

Eight new birds in total and one recap, a nice Yellowhammer “Gulspurv,” were a big improvement to yesterday. Else, it was mainly adult male Blackbirds “Solsort” in the nets.

Ringing 02

A bit later in the morning David and Jimmy went to the beach and spotted a Glaucous Gull “Gråmage”!


Glaucous Gull “Gråmage” by David Manstrup

Yesterday evening we had a new arrival at the station: We welcomed back Joseph for the whole spring season and summer, who had already been at the station in autumn 2023.

In the afternoon, Jimmy took Joseph and me to Grønningen. It was a really nice trip and a good variety of species for the time of the year. Great observations were a Hen Harrier “Blå Kærhøg” and lot of Pintails “Spidsand”, a very beautiful duck, I think. Tak for turen Jimmy!


Birdwatching at Grønningen.

People: Joseph, David, Jimmy og Hanelie

The first standardized ringing day in 2025

lørdag 1. marts 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

This morning, the nets in both gardens were open half an hour before sunrise. The first round brought two new Blackbirds “Solsort” and a recapture of a Great Tit “Musvit”. It was again a very foggy morning. And nearly all the rest of the time of standardized ringing, I had zero rounds until  I found a Wren “Gærdesmutte”, already with a ring, in a net in the lighthouse garden in the secound last round. But it can just improve.


Great Tit "Musvit" on a foggy morning.

Ringing 01


The moths:

Yesterday evening I could not believe DMI which showed the foggy morning that we had today. Because when I checked the moth trap in the evening, the night was star clear. I had two moths in the evening, again the Satellite “Satellitugle” and – a small and inconspicuous one, that was new for me: But to be safe, I will put it as slash secies, Agnopterix heracliana/ciliella, probably heracliana, but these are very similar species.


Agnopterix heracliana/ ciliella.



In the afternoon I went to a lake in the military area and saw two Shovelers "Skeand" with some other ducks.


Not dar from the lake, I saw that very white Buzzard "Musvage", a very beatiful one.

People: David, Hanelie, Jimmy and 2 guests

The first signs of spring

fredag 28. februar 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu


Even if not many spring birds were in the nets, an early spring greeting from the station garden: The common Snowdrop/ Vintergæk.

Yesterday did not happen so much, therefore as the season did not start yet, I decided to write a blog entry of yesterday and today. From tomorrow, the official start of the spring season, there will be a blog for every day!

I opened just the nets in the stations garden yesterday morning as the weather looked a bit unstable. It was the wrong decision, I realized soon. The weather was better than expected, but very loud work was being carried out on one of the neighboring houses quite soon after the nets were open. The noise made no bird come into the garden. With no birds, I closed the nets after some hours and went on a walk in the bog and on the beach. The Skylarks “Sanglærke” were more active than the day before and singing. On the beach I saw four Ringed Plovers “Stor Præstekrave”. I am always happy to see the first ones of the year.

Today, I woke up to have all nets in both gardens open half an hour before sunrise. It was not much that I caught, two birds got a new ring, a Chaffinch “Bogfinke” and a Dunnock “Jernspurv”. Else I had five recaptures, one Blackbird “Solsort” ringed in autumn 2019 by Lisa Flam as a 1K bird. This summer, it will be six years old! A Starling "Stær" had settled down on the top of the tree next to the ringing lab for a while and commented my mostly emty rounds with its calls and I also heared one in the lighthouse garden. Chaffinches "Bogfinke" and Yellowhammers "Gulspurv" are also alraedy singing in the morning.

Jernspurv 28.02jpg new

Dunnock/ Jernspurv


I also had the UV light on during the night and caught one moth, in english it is called the Satellite the same as in danish Satellitugle because of the two little white points on each side of the big one. It is a moth that overwinters as an adult, not as catarpillar, as many others. There are already moth species flying, that hatched from their pupa this year. I had one species in Germany and they have also been caught in Denmark already in 2025, I am sure, soon I will catch them here, too.


Eupsilia transversa/ Satellite/ Satelitugle

In the afternoon, when I came back from grocery shopping, Svend Aage and Henrik were at the station. The last days, a part of the station had been painted and the furniture was still in the middle of the rooms. They had started putting things back and I helped them. Now, everything is on its place – it is cozy again at the bird observatory!

People: Svend Aage, Henrik and Hanelie

Ready for the spring season!

onsdag 26. februar 2025
af Hanelie Sidhu

Hello from Blåvand Fuglestation! I arrived on Monday evening at the station, a few days before the start of the season to help setting up the nets in the lighthouse garden which we took down over the winter end of the last season. On Tuesday morning, Bent came to the station and together, we set to work. We set up all of the standard nets in the lighthouse garden. Just the four nets at Krattet, which do not count to the standard nets were left, but we saw that some old trees were fallen in the net lines and left this work for today.


Me setting up a net.

So this morning, we sawed up the trees and took them away and set up the last nets. Bent had showed me a new knot to attach the rope on the pole the day before and although I do not remember dreaming of it all night, as Bent said, I remembered it very well this morning. Bent helped me to take out the moths trap from the station, I will again catch moths with UV light this spring.

It was very foggy yesterday and today the whole time. But the military area was open and I wanted to use that to go for a walk after Bent had left. There were some Wrens “Gærdesmutte” and Skylarks “Sanglærke” – the Skylarks are a great sign that spring is starting – but else it was rather quiet. I also went into some bunkers, last autumn I had discovered some moths resting there, the same species were still there, Scoliopteryx libatrix “Husmoderugle” and Alucita hexadactyla “Kaprifoliefjermøl”.


Scoliopteryx libatrix "Husmoderugle" and mosquitos in a bunker.

When I started thinking that it was not so fun to walk in the foggy soup, I found a bat in one of the bunkers which cheered me up. I was inside quite many bunkers, also last year quite late in the season and I was wondering, why I had not found any bats, so that one was a nice surprise.


The bat.

Back from my walk, it was already afternoon but I opened the nets by the house just for two hours. It was not so bad, the Blackbirds “Solsort” are coming back, I had three new and one new Bluetit “Blåmejse”.  



The Bluetit "Blåmejse" would give a more coulerful picture but I decided for the Blackbird "Solsort" as you can see how foggy it is on this picture. In the background is the lighthouse.

People: Bent Jakobsen, Hanelie Sidhu

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