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Fjeldvåge, Gulspurv and two new nets in the stations garden

onsdag 23. oktober 2024
af Hanelie & Louis

The ringing:

Again, a day with very few birds. Chung-Chi was happy about a pretty Yellowhammer “Gulspurv” because in Taiwan, they have way more Buntings, but not that one.


Yellowhammer "Gulspurv"

We would definitely need a weather change to get some birds, but it does not look like it the next days.

In the afternoon, we exchanged two nets in the station garden and washed the bird bags.



The moths:

Also very few moth today, just three species in/ around the traps and one of yesterdays Dytiscus semisulcatus “Sortbruget vandkalv” came again to the light. As I found a caterpillar of Phragmatobia fuliginosa “Kanelbjørn” again, I checked my pictures from spring to show you caterpillar and moth.




Vejrmæssigt, en dag som lignede meget i går.. I dag var der generelt lidt flere fugle, specielt småfugle, men færre arter og specielt færre “sjove” arter..

Vi fik i dag også selskab af, først Bent og senere Svend og Svend ude på obsen.

Som sagt skete der lidt mere hos småfuglene i dag, men det var ikke ligefrem overvældende, 200 siskner og 400 finker, krydret med 3 Bjergvipstjerter og 3 Hedelærker var hvad det kunne blive til..

Vi fik også sæsonens måske sidste Rørhøg i dag, da det er ved at være ret sent for dem.. ..og en Fjeldvåge rastede gennem morgenen i baglandet..

Folk på stationen: Louis, Hanelie, Lærke, Chung-Chi, David, Menno

Stille stabil dag

tirsdag 22. oktober 2024
af Louis & Hanelie


En lidt stille dag på hukket, ihvertfald antalsmæssigt.. men som morgenen skred frem kom den ene gode art efter den anden i bogen, og det endte med at blive en helt hæderlig morgen alligevel.

Der gik ikke længe før vi fik dagens første Almindelige Kjove, et længe ventet syn i et efterår der ser ud til at blive rigtig dårligt for denne art, denne var en flot lys en, og lidt senere fik vi så også en mørk en, som altså også er flot..:)

Dagens nok sjældneste art blev en fed Islom som kom på rigtig fornuftig afstand, ..ihvertfald iforhold til de andre lommer..

image_proxy.jpg“Doku” af - Islom / Foto: David Manstrup

I luften var der virkelig ikke gang i den.. men der kom da både et par Bjerg.- og Hedelærker forbi som er gode arter til at holde humøret oppe med hver deres begge meget ikoniske og meget "glade" kald når de flyver over en.

Der kom også i slutningen af obsen en Ringdrossel som kortvarigt sat sig til rast i toppen af en busk tæt på obsen.

IMG_9531.jpgHer er det den fine lille Hedelærke, som bla. kan kendes på den meget korte hale / Foto: Louis Poulsen


It was a very slow morning, we just had four new birds and five recaptures. Today a picture of a nice Wren “Gærdesmutte”.


Wren "Gærdesmutte"

After standard, Menno kept the nets in the station garden open until sunrise but just had two more birds, one a Black Redstart “Husrødstjert”.


Black Redstart "Husrødstjert"



The moths:

The night was okay for moths, it was not so windy. I had eight different species, one new for me, Colotois pennaria “Løvfaldsmåler”.


Colotois pennaria “Løvfaldsmåler”



I also got a new beetle species, four Dytiscus semisulcatus “Sortbuget vandkalv” came to my trap at the lighthouse garden.


Dytiscus semisulcatus “Sortbuget vandkalv”

In the afternoon, I went for a walk in the bog when the military had opened. Very few birds but I found two caterpillars on the ground. It was a caterpillar of Phragmatobia fuliginosa which has both a nice Danish name “Kanelbjørn” as well as a nice English name “Ruby tiger”. I caught that moth in July in Gedser and was happy to think that the moth would fly again next summer. Finally, I saw one bird, a Northern Wheatear “Stenpikker”, which had a rather short and plumb insect in its bill. Maybe, it tried to eat the third caterpillar of Kanelbjørn, that I saw today.

Folk på stationen: Louis, Hanelie, Lærke, Chung-Chi, David, Menno

A windy morning with some birds and chimney fire

mandag 21. oktober 2024
af Hanelie & Menno

The ringing:

A windy morning 10 to 12 meters per second from south west and I was droughting, that we could open, but I am always checking by going through the garden, if there is any shelter so that ringing is possible without harming the birds. It was possible, in the southwesterly winds some nets  were sheltered so Chung-Chi and I stayed around the house. Actually, with our 71 net-meters, that we had toady, we were more effective than yesterday with 242, yesterday 9 new birds, today seven with way less nets.


Blackcap "Munk", male


We decided to make it a bit cozier inside the station that windy morning by making a fire in the chimney, thanks to Torbens firewood.


Nevertheless, there were not so many birds in the area today, the military area was open, so I checked the bog in the afternoon, but it was very quiet, although the wind had slowed down later in the day.


Red Deer "Krondyr" in the bog

Nice news, we had a foreign Danish recapture of a Blackbird “Solsort” yesterday which we reported in fuglering. Today we got a recapture letter, the bird was ringed end October 2022 in Nordjylland by a ringer of the Nordvestjysk Ringmærkergruppe.

I did not find any moth in the traps today, maybe this night, as it will be less windy.


During the morning there was not that many going on. We all hoped for some species that are associated with strong winds like shearwaters, skuas or fulmar. We didn't got any of that. There were some highlights though, we had four Red necked grebe. Besides the grebes we had a ten Caspian gulls, a species that is quickly expanding nord(west)wards. Half way during the observation period we aslo had a ringed gull from central Germany. In the late afternoon David and I decided to go for another hour of seawatching and saw a Scooty schearwater. So some of our prediction became reality!

At the station: David, Louis, Menno, Lærke, Chung-Chi, Hanelie.

The last day of week 42

søndag 20. oktober 2024
af Louis & Hanelie

The ringing:

Today no wind and rain, so nets stayed open the 5 standard hours, but we were not very successful, we ringed 9 new birds. In the last rounds, we were joined by Menno, who had just arrived at the station and will stay with us for two weeks. Bent told me, there were many Blackbirds “Solsort” in Oksbøl, but we did not get them in the nets here, just three recaptures. Maybe one of the next days.


Chiffchaff "Gransanger"


All our guests who stayed here for week 42 left today, therefore, another volunteer, who we know already, arrived today, Lærke, who was already here in September. She too will stay here for two weeks.


The moths:

This night was rainy and windier again. I did not expect so much, nevertheless, I checked in the evening and found two moths, Alucita hexadactyla “Kaprifoliefjermøl” and Emmelina monodactyla “Snerlefjermøl”. In the morning, I found one more, Phlogophora meticulosa “Agatugle”. That was it, not much. This night will be windy again, but less wind the night after…


Emmelina monodactyla “Snerlefjermøl”



En ret diset morgen på hukket, som også endte ud med lidt dryp fra oven.. ..og selvom målingerne sagde over 12 grader, virkede det ualmindeligt koldt pga. den tiltagende vind og fugtige vejr..

Som vanligt kom en hel del Sortænder, over 3500 blev det faktisk til.. men ellers var det godt nok til den stille side, specielt da småfuglenene var tæt på ikke eksisterende..

Det var tilgengæld en af de første dage hvor man fik fornemmelse af rigtigt træk af Dværgmåger, 30 blev det til, hvilket personligt reddede dagen fuldstændigt!

Der kom også et par Rider forbi, 6 stks.

At the station: Lærke, Louis, Menno, David, Chung-Chi, Hanelie and 5 guests


lørdag 19. oktober 2024
af Hanelie &

The ringing:

A good first round with Blackbirds “Solsort” and Wrens “Gærdesmutte” but we needed to close before the end of standard time because of a big rainfront, that brought us rain for the rest of the day.

In the evening, we had a cozy dinner together with all our guests.



The moth:

It was a good night for moth and I got a new species, that I was waiting for long: Alucita hexadactyla “Kaprifoliefjermøl”. It is a beautiful small moth, that flies the whole year, but most observations are reported on Arter in May and August. I was not expecting it that late in the year, so it was a very welcome surprise.


Alucita hexadactyla “Kaprifoliefjermøl”


At the station: Chung-Chi, Louis, Hanelie and 5 guests.

Blåvand in fog

fredag 18. oktober 2024
af Louis & Hanelie

The ringing:


Blåvand went to sleep in fog yesterday evening and woke up in fog this morning. The good thing was, that the wind yesterday night and today was very low, and the wind can sometimes be a big enemy for ringing, of course, we need it to get birds, but often in the last days, it was a bit strong. So today very low wind that was not a problem at all for the nets. We had quite some Blackbirds “Solsort”. Tomorrow a little more wind, but pretty much the same, but later this night, it will clear up, let´s see if that will bring something.


Blackbird "Solsort"


The moth:

Finally, a night with very low to no wind, and some moisture in the air, that can be quite good for getting moth. Hopefully, I went two times in the evening to check both traps, there were moth, rather common ones though, but I got more species than the last nights, so it is finally worth again to make a list. The most abundant species was Phlogophora meticulosa “Agatugle”. In the morning, I found another water beetle in my trap in the lighthouse garden. It was Rhantus suturalis “Marmorvandkalv”.



Rhantus suturalis “Marmorvandkalv”


En morgen med ret dårlig sigt, generelt meget fugtigt vejr, og ret få fugle..

De trofaste Sortænder gjorde at man ikke faldt i søvn.. og den første time kom der faktisk også en del Rødstrubede lommer..

Der var lige en en halv time hvor der kom over 200 Grønsiskener, men det gik i stå lige så hurtigt igen..

Ellers kom 2 Gråstrubede Lappedykkere, og en flok på 7 Bjergænder..

Eller var det meget stille den sidste time, og der kom meget tæt på ingen fugle..

Om aftenen var der gættefugle quiz på blåvandgård med DOFUng, da det var sidste aften de er i området..

At the station: Louis, Chung-Chi, Hanelie and 6 guests.

Slow Worm - Slow Day

torsdag 17. oktober 2024
af Louis & Hanelie


En dag som på mange måder lignede igår.. vinden var stadig i sø og omkring 10 m/s.

..bare lidt færre overraskelser ..men en fin dag alligevel…

Det blev en fin morgen for bla. Sortand, med over 4700.

Igen kom der en fin portion Grønsiskener i første del af morgenen, men igen gik det lidt død senere på morgenen.

Om aftenen var jeg efter et meget langt twitch af en Fuglekongesanger som blev fundet inde i byen, blandt andet til felttræf oplæg af Mads og Tina Elley om fuglekigning i Senegal, på Blåvandgård hvor DOFUng holder til.


No ringing today (and no moths).  We checked nets in both gardens, but the nets were too exposed. Instead, Chung-Chi used the time to explore the area, and I went for morning observations. Later, Karen and I went on a birding trip to Nyeng. We did not see the Olive-backed Pipit “Taiga-Piper” but Brent Geese “Knortegås”, many Golden Plovers “Hjeile”, Curlews “Storspove” Dunlins “Almindelig Ryle”, Oystercatchers “Strandskade” and Pintails “Spidsand” and Lapwings “Vibe” as well as some Red-breasted Mergensers “ Toppet Skalleslugger”.

In the late evening, a Pallas´s Leaf Warbler “Fuglekongesanger” was seen in Blåvand.

This night looks a little better for moth and tomorrow better for birds because of the low winds, so let´s hope for something good.


A Slow Worm "Stålorm", that Chung-Chi found today.

At the station: Louis, Chung-Chi, Hanelie and 5 guests.

Wind and Rødtoppet Fuglekonge

onsdag 16. oktober 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu & Louis

The ringing:

This morning was quite windy. It was too much to open nets in the lighthouse garden, but the station garden was more sheltered, so we could open most nets down at the house. Torben joined us again from the first round on. We did not get many birds, but in the 9.30 round, Chung-Chi took a Firecrest “Rødtoppet Fuglekonge” out of the net. I announced the bird on zello and a lot of birders came to see it. We needed to close at 11 though, as the wind had picked up.


Firecrest "Rødtoppet Fuglekonge"


The moths:

Yesterday evening, I checked the trap down at the house and found two moths: Chesias legatella “Stor gyvelmåler” and Thera britannica/ variata. Nothing in the morning.'


En relativt kraftig vind blæste fra sø denne morgen, tiltagende i løbet af morgenen og endte på over 12 m/s i slutningen af standardtiden, SØ vind plejer at være fint til specielt småfugle, hvilket det også mest blev til i dag, blandet med lidt gæs. Men 12 m/s er måske lige i overkanten, men det gik alligevel hen og blev en godkendt dag på hukket..


Sølvhejre / Foto: kommer…

Specielt på grund af én flok af Sølvhejre Og ikke bare 2 som vi faktisk også havde tidligere på morgenen, men én flok på hele 27, som kom flyvende sammen langsomt mod syd. Normalt er Sølvhejre lokalt semi sjælden på hukket, så en flok på 27 og dagstotal på 29 er vildt på hukket! Det er altid vildt fedt at se “store” flokke af Sølvhejre (hejre generelt hvis man spørger mig) på træk, og noget af en overaskelse her på hukket..

Udover hejre, kom der lidt gæs, flest Grågæs, derefter Bramgæs, men også bla. en Tundrasædgås, som er ret usædvanlig på hukket.

Småfuglene var der lidt gang i ..i perioder, specielt Grønsisken toppede lige midt på morgenen men faldt hurtigt i antal igen, to gode håndfulde Bjergvipstjerter og en Snespurv.

Det eneste der toppede sølvhejrene (for mig ihvertflad, og nok ingen andre) var 17 Dværgmåger, som bare er så vanvittig fede….

At the station: Louis, Chung-Chi, Torben, Hanelie and 4 guests.

A big flock of finches...

tirsdag 15. oktober 2024
af Hanelie &

The ringing:

It was a good first round today, I was joined by Chung-Chi, who arrived yesterday evening after a long travel from Taiwan and will stay here until the end of the season. Torben from Germany, who is on holiday in Blåvand but would like to stay here another time for ringing joined as well. After all birds from first round were ringed, we went down to the station garden. And were surprised by a net with about 40 finches!!! A big flock of finches, mainly Bramblings “Kvækerfinke” and Siskins “Grønsisken” and some Chaffinches “Bogfinke” went down in the garden and got caught. I counted, and it was 68 birds in that one round. After it got rather calm again. From 10 on, Jonas had a ringing tour again, but he stayed mostly in the stations garden while we stayed in the lighthouse garden, it was still good with birds. After standard Bent came with some friends to show them the ringing. There were some birds to show, but not so many, and we closed soon.


Not often in the nets: A Stonechat "Sortstrubet Bynkefugl"



The moth:

A busy day with birds, but a very slow day for moth, I found just one when I checked the traps yesterday evening, it was Thera Britannica “Ædelgranmåler”. This morning, the traps were empty. Although it is getting late in the year, it could be more moths in better weather conditions with less wind. But I take what I get and in the few ones I have had here, I had still some new species.


Thera Britannica “Ædelgranmåler”

At the station: Chung-Chi, Torben, David, Louis, Bent, Jonas, Hanelie and 6 guests

Many visitors in the ringing!

mandag 14. oktober 2024
af Louis & Hanelie

Ringing and moth:

Not so many birds today, but many visitors. Lise joined me again for the first round and Amanda came with a group of DOF ung birders for the second round. Unfortunately not so many birds after first round, but a nice Bullfinch “Dompap”, Robin “Rødhals” and Blackcap “Munk”. At 10.00 Jonas from the Nature school took over the ringing until 12, as he had a ringing tour. So I had a long break and then did the closing round together with Lise, she left Blåvand today but maybe we will see her at the station another time!



Brambling "Kvækerfinke", male in the closing round, foto by Lise 

I just caught one moth today, Autographa gamma “Gammaugle”, a very common moth, that you can also observe flying during the day, but its flight period is ending soon and I did not get it in the trap here in Blåvand jet.


Autographa gamma “Gammaugle”

At the station: Louis, David, Hanelie and 5 guests

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